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Schweizerischer Baumeisterverband

Digital power for a strong association: Why SBV relies on CASUS

"The biggest advantage of CASUS is that contracting is easier for members and the association, and error-free contracts can be drawn up more quickly."

What was the challenge?

Before the introduction of CASUS, the SBC - like many other associations - provided its members with PDF forms to download, each adapted to the respective CLA. However, this posed a number of challenges for both the association's legal team and its members. It was time-consuming for the association to keep the forms up to date, while members were confronted with an error-prone, inflexible and time-consuming process due to a lack of support.

What did the SBC team want to achieve?

With the introduction of CASUS, the SBC team aimed to significantly improve the entire process for both the association and its members. They wanted to simplify the updating and provision of forms while ensuring that members were supported by a user-friendly, digital solution. CASUS was to make the process more efficient, minimize sources of error and significantly reduce the time spent by members. These optimizations were intended to facilitate the work of the legal team and sustainably increase the quality of service for members.

"I recommend CASUS to anyone who has model contracts that are used by non-lawyers."

What does it look like today?

The provision and management of contract templates in different languages is efficient and simple, and members benefit from a user-friendly, fully digital and time-saving process. The legal team is noticeably relieved and can concentrate more on its core tasks. Most importantly, the feedback from members has been very positive.

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“The biggest advantage of CASUS is that contracting is easier for members and the association, and error-free contracts can be drawn up more quickly.”

Vera Marfurt

Juristin beim Schweizerischen Baumeisterverband

Vera Marfurt

Juristin beim Schweizerischen Baumeisterverband

Vera Marfurt

Juristin beim Schweizerischen Baumeisterverband

Fabian Staub CEO of CASUS
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CASUS delivers efficiency, accuracy, and reliability by ensuring documents use the latest templates.

Fabian Staub

CEO and Co-Founder of CASUS

Fabian Staub CEO of CASUS
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CASUS delivers efficiency, accuracy, and reliability by ensuring documents use the latest templates.

Fabian Staub

CEO and Co-Founder of CASUS

Fabian Staub CEO of CASUS
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CASUS delivers efficiency, accuracy, and reliability by ensuring documents use the latest templates.

Fabian Staub

CEO and Co-Founder of CASUS

Let’s talk about how to build great workflows together.

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Thank you!

Let’s talk about how to build great workflows together.

Durch Absenden des Formulars bestätige ich, dass ich die Datenschutzerklärung zur Kenntnis genommen habe und mit der Verarbeitung meiner personenbezogenen Daten durch CASUS Technologies AG zu den genannten Zwecken einverstanden bin. Im Falle einer Einwilligung kann ich meine Zustimmung hierzu jederzeit widerrufen.

Thank you!

Let’s talk about how to build great workflows together.

Durch Absenden des Formulars bestätige ich, dass ich die Datenschutzerklärung zur Kenntnis genommen habe und mit der Verarbeitung meiner personenbezogenen Daten durch CASUS Technologies AG zu den genannten Zwecken einverstanden bin. Im Falle einer Einwilligung kann ich meine Zustimmung hierzu jederzeit widerrufen.

Thank you!

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